Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday Inspiration for Mompreneurs

Mompreneur's World
Carl Schurz Quote

Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands. But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters; you choose them as your guides, and following them you will reach your destiny. -Carl Schurz
Happy Monday, welcome to Monday Inspiration for Mompreneurs! Every Monday I will share a quote that inspires me in my personal life as a mom and as an entrepreneur. Today's inspiration is Mr. Carl Schurz amazing quote, posted above. Mr. Schurz was the first German born American elected to the United States Senate. His quote reminds us that we are human; imperfect, subject to error but yet we can still strive.

Yes we can't touch the stars, but striving to touch them is really what matters.  Metaphorically, this striving guides us. For instance, ideally I am determined to be the best Mompreneur that I can be. For me, this means a myriad of things. For instance, one of my goals when my kids were young, was to read to them nightly. We all know the benefits of reading; so this ideal is not at all controversial. Yet, in my daily life I was not able to achieve this ideal 100% of the time. On the nights that I couldn't read to them, I used audio books or my hubby told the girls stories and or they played stories in a round which is a game where they made up their own stories. Because of this ideal, my kids are wonderful readers.

Striving for the stars, ones ideals, guides us toward greatness and or our ultimate destiny. What are your ideals? It's ok if you are not achieving them 100% of the time; despite this they are are your guideposts through this journey called life. Life is Good:)

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