Monday, January 19, 2015

MLK Day 2015

True peace is not merely the absence of tension, it is the presence of justice.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

It is early MLK a Day 2015 and I am listening to the quiet of the morning. My kids are still sleeping; hubby did not have a day off, so he is at work. As I think about my day and it's meaning, I am always in awe of the sacrifices that Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK)
and his contemporaries made so that I can have the life and lifestyle I presently enjoy.

Does perfection exist? No. Instead we live in an imperfect world. Every day is a day for us to make decisions that will not only serve ourselves but will keep
MLK's dream alive in our hearts, minds, and most importantly, in our actions.

So today, we will attend events commemorating MLK's life and legacy. I think it is important that kids are reminded that what they currently enjoy is as a result of the sacrifice of others.

Enjoy your day off, if you have one. Let me know how you spent it.

Happy MLK Day 2015

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